Course Description

SNE+Cloud combines the latest version of A+, N+, CCNA(R&S) 200-301, RHCE & AWS Certification. There is no prerequisite for taking up the CCNA Training; however a fundamental Knowledge of IP, basic switches and routers would be added advantage. Organizations need individuals with cloud skills to help transform their business. Red Hat Enterprise Linux Automation with Ansible teaches the skills needed to manage large numbers of systems and applications efficiently and consistently. DevOps-“development” and “operations” is the combination of practices and tools designed to increase an organization’s ability to deliver applications and services faster than traditional software development processes. This speed enables organizations to better serve their customers and compete more effectively in the market.


Basic Terms, Concepts, and Functions of System Modules. Popular CPU Chips and their characteristics. BIOS, UEFI
Motherboards: Components and Architecture.
RAM Terminology, Ports, Cables, and Connectors.
Printer Operations and Components.

Internal, & External Devices. Installing and Configuring Peripheral Devices.

Preventive Maintenance and Safety Procedures. Managing Replaceable Components. Troubleshooting Procedures and Guidelines.

Operating System Functions. Major System Files and their Purpose. Managing Files and Directories. Managing Disks

Installing and Upgrading Windows. Boot Sequences and Methods. Loading and Configuring Device Drivers. Working with Applications.

Managing Error Codes and Start-up Messages. Managing Common Problems. Windows-Based Utilities.

Networking devices, Type of Networks, Topology, Cables Types of LAN cables & colour coding Networking Protocols Virtualization fundamentals ,Addressing (Ipv4 & IPV6) Sub Netting (FLSM and VLSM)

VLAN, Interswitch connectivity CDP,LLDP and Ether channel (LACP) STP and RapidPVST+ Wireless Architecture and AP modes WLC management access Connections (Telnet, SSH etc)

Cisco hierarchical designs Cisco internal &external components of routers Router Boot Sequence and modes of router Router Security Routing (Static, Default and OSPV2) Cisco IOS Backup & Recovery Purpose of FHRP

Configuration of NAT, NTP, DHCP and DNS Configuration SNMP, Syslog, DHCP Relay, SSH, TFTP/FTP

Security Concepts and Program Elements Configuration of VPN, ACL DHCP snooping and Port Security AAA concepts, Wireless Security Protocols

Traditional networks management Network automation and uses of Automation Methods SDN, REST-based APIs Puppet, Chef, Ansible, Interpret JSON encoded data

Describe and define open source, Linux distributions, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

Log into a Linux system and run simple commands using the shell.

Copy, move, create, delete, and organize files while working from the bash shell.

Resolve problems by using local help systems.

Manage text files from command output or in a text editor

Create, manage, and delete local users and groups, as well as administer local password policies.

Set Linux file system permissions on files and interpret the security effects of different permission settings.
Evaluate and control processes running on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux system.
Control and monitor network services and system daemons using systemd.
Configure secure command line service on remote systems, using OpenSSH
Locate and accurately interpret logs of system events for troubleshooting purposes.
Configure network interfaces and settings on Red Hat Enterprise Linux servers.
Archive and copy files from one system to another.
Download, install, update, and manage software packages from Red Hat and yum package repositories.
Access, inspect, and use existing file systems on storage attached to a Linux server. To track and manage the process in the particular linux machines
Controlling and monitoring the services of the system Masking and un-masking services To mask(start or stop) the services particularly. To check the services are running properly
Analyze the actions done by the particular users on the linux systems
Run commands more efficiently by using advanced features of the Bash shell, shell scripts, and various utilities provided by Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
Schedule commands to run in the future, either one time or on a repeating schedule. Tune system performance Improve system performance by setting tuning parameters and adjusting scheduling priority of processes.
Interpret and set access control lists (ACLs) on files to handle situations requiring complex user and group access permissions.
Protect and manage the security of a server by using SELinux.
Create and manage storage devices, partitions, file systems, and swap spaces from the command line.
Create and manage logical volumes containing file systems and swap spaces from the command line
Manage storage using the Stratis local storage management system and use VDO volumes to optimize storage space in use.
Manage the boot process to control services offered and to troubleshoot and repair problems.
Control network connections to services using the system firewall and SELinux rules.
Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux on servers and virtual machines.
Obtain, run, and manage simple, lightweight services as containers on a single Red Hat Enterprise Linux server
Describe Ansible concepts and install Red Hat Ansible Engine.
Configure Ansible to manage hosts and run ad hoc Ansible commands.
Write a simple Ansible Playbook and run it to automate tasks on multiple managed hosts.
Write playbooks that use variables to simplify management of the playbook
Deploy, manage, and adjust files on hosts managed by Ansible.
Write playbooks that are optimized for larger, more complex projects.
Use Ansible roles to develop playbooks more quickly and to reuse Ansible code.
Troubleshoot playbooks and managed hosts.
Automate common Linux system administration tasks with Ansible.
Introduction to Cloud Computing and AWS What is Cloud Computing? Cloud Deployment Model, Service Model and Best Cloud Computing Vendors AWS Overview, Creating an AWS Account, Free Tier Usage, Billing Budget Setup.
AWS IAM (Identity and Access Management) AWS SSO (Single sign on), AWS MFA (Multifactor Authentication) AWS STS (Security Token Service) AWS SCP (Security Control Policies) AWS Cognito, AWS Guard Duty AWS Secret Manager,AWS WAF and Shield AWS Direct Connect, AWS KMS(Key Management Service) AWS Certificate Manager (ACM)
AWS API Gateway-REST API AWS Transfer Family
CDN(Content Delivery Network), Application Load Balancer AWS Fargate, AWS Lambda AWS ECS(Elastic Container Service) AWS EKS (Elastic Kubernets Service) AWS Step Functions,AWS Route 53 AWS Backup,AWS RDS proxy,AWS X-Ray
Amazon S3(Simple Storage Service) Amazon EFS (Elastic File System) Amazon EBS (Elastic Block Store) AWS Batch and EMR Amazon EC2(Elastic Compute Cloud) Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling Amazon ECS (Elastic Container Service) and EKS (Elastic Kubernets Service) AWS Elastic Cache, AWS Aurora,AWS DynamoDB, AWS Cloud Front,AWS Global Accelerator AWS VPN, Direct connect,AWS Private link AWS Athena, AWS Lake Formation AWS Quick sight, AWS Data sync AWS Storage Gateway, AWS Glue AWS Kinesis,AWS EMR
Cost Management Tools-AWS Cost Explorer,AWS Budgets, AWS cost and Usage report
Define Devops , What is Devops ,SDLC models,Lean,Agile , Why Devops? , History of Devops ,Devops Stakeholders , Devops Goals, Important terminology ,Devops perspective Devops and Agile , Devops Tools,Configuration management,Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment and Continuous Delivery
Version control systems, Local, Centralized and distributed, Installing Git on Linux & on Windows Creating repository ,Cloning, check-in and committing , Fetch pull and remote ,Branching
Introduction to Jenkins, CI/CD Concepts, Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery
Jenkins Install, The Dashboard ,User Management and Security , Adding a Jenkins Slave, Setting Up GitHub , Plugin Manager
Introduction to Selenium,Why Selenium? ,Selenium – Webdriver , Creating Test Cases in Selenium WebDriver (Waits) What and why X-Path , Handling different controls on Webpage , Framework in Selenium, Selenium Integration with Jenkins,Implementation of Selenium in the Project
Introduction, Configuring Our Server,Configuring Nagios Core ,Nagios: The Basics – I Plugins,Checks Hosts, Host Objects, and Host Definitions Macros , Services, Service Objects, and Service Definitions , Commands, Command Objects,and Command Definitions, timeperiods and Time period Definitions , Contacts, Contact Objects, and Contact Definitions Notifications , Verifying Our Configuration and Starting Nagios,Configuring Apache, Authoring Groups , Templates , Adding Remote Hosts , Monitoring Remote Hosts via Publicly Available Ports ,Installing the Nagios Remote Plugin Executor Exercise: Adding a Remote Host,Exercise: Installing the Nagios Remote
Nagios: The Basics – II, Active Checks Using NRPE , Passive Checks Ansible
Ansible Agentless Architecture, Installation, Ansible Inventories, Ansible Modules, Ansible Playbook
Revisiting Kubernets Cluster Architecture , Spinning up a Kubernets Cluster on Ubuntu VMs , Exploring your Cluster , Understanding YAML ,Creating a Deployment in Kubernetes using YAML , Creating a Service in Kubernetes Installing Kubernetes Dashboard , Deploying an App using Dashboard , Using Rolling Updates in Kubernetes,Containers and Container Orchestration ,Introduction to Kubernetes
Introduction of Docker ,What is a Docker ,Use case of Docker , Platforms for Docker ,Dockers vs Virtualization
Docker Architecture, Important Docker components, Understanding the Docker components Installation
Understanding Installation of Docker on Windows, Some Docker commands
Docker Hub, Downloading Docker images, Running Docker images, Running commands in the container, Running multiple containers
Creating a custom image, running a container from the custom image, and publishing the custom image.
Accessing containers, Linking containers, Exposing container ports, Container Routing

Maped Certification

CCNA (200-301)(120min, 825/1000)
RHEL 8 – EX200(3Hrs, 210/300)
RHEL 8 – EX294(4Hrs, 210/300)
AWS (SAA-C03)(1.30Hrs, 720/1000)

Exit Profile

Cloud Administrator
System Integrator – Cloud
Linux Admin
Linux Engineer
Network Engineer
Network Support Engineer
Cloud Support Engineer
Infrastructure Engineer
System administrator
Desktop Support Engineer