Software testing is the process of evaluating a software application or system to detect potential defects or bugs, ensuring that it meets specified requirements and functions as intended. It involves executing the software under controlled conditions and observing its behavior to verify that it performs correctly and efficiently. Software testing is crucial for ensuring the quality, reliability, and usability of software products, ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction and minimizing the risk of costly errors or failures in production environments
Introduction to Automation Introduction to Selenium Web driver Interface Methods Locators in Selenium Web driver Select Class & Action Class JavaScript Executor/Waits in Selenium/Alerts in Selenium Java Robot
Grid Architecture Configuring the Hub Configuring the Nodes Test Execution Result Analysis
Data Driven, Keyword driven Database testing Hybrid Driven TestNG Cucumber integration with Maven
Screenshot in selenium web driver File uploading in selenium Handle Web Table Handling Tooltips Handling multiple windows
Web Service API Testing Post Man Installation, navigation Sending request and Creating Collection Get, Post, Put, Delete
Appium Architecture Features of Appium How Appium Works?