Course Description

Full-stack developer in Java is one career option for those who have learnt or acquired knowledge of both front-end and back-end Java technologies. In this course, we examine what front-end and back-end technologies are, what a Java full-stack developer is, the skills needed to become one and salary information.A full-stack developer for Java is an expert who knows how to work with full-stack tools and frameworks compatible with Java. Their skills centre around core Java and the Java ecosystem. Their expertise lies in working with the complete Java suite of technologies, including web architecture, databases, REST API and servlets that are required to build websites and apps.


Web Development
Software Development
Full-Stack Development, Database Admin

Introduction History and Features Software Environment Installation IDE – NetBeans, Eclipse

JVM & Basic syntax of Java

Syntax Data type Tokens Operator Introduction about OOPS

Control Structure Looping Control

User defined and Predefined function Array

Static (variable, function, block) Constructor Overloading

Inheritance Polymorphism Overriding Abstraction Encapsulation Data Binding Message Passing (Getter and Setter) Super and This keyword

java.lang.* java.util.** java.math.**

String String Buffer String Builder

What And How Is Exception Handling? User Defined Exception

What Is Thread? Thread Implementation Synchronization Inter Thread Communication

Arraylist LinkedList Vector Stack TreeMap HashMap Generics, Type Inference

Data Input Stream, Scanner File Read and Write File Mode, Random Access File Miscellaneous

Java Swing Components Java Swing Events Java Swing Frames

What is database? What is jdbc? Connection between jdbc and database Prepared Statement, Result Set,Statement

Lambda Function Method Reference Static Method in an Interface Default Method Array Sort Enhanced For Each Loop

Container Architecture

What is Web application? Why Web Application? What is J2EE?
Model View Controller
Architecture And Life Cycle Page Redirection Handling Request And Response Servlet + JDBC Session Tracking
What Is Web Service? What Is Rest? How To Implement Rest Api Messages In Rest Api
MySQL Basic SQL Normalization Joins DDL and DML Commands
Jsp introduction Jsp life cycle and tags Jsp with Servlet Jsp with JDBC Cookies Custom Tag
Introduction Facelet JSF Tags JSF Controller
what is spring? spring modules Dependency Injection (Setter and Constructor) Setter Injection with Map Constructor Injection with Map Spring with JDBC Spring Integration with Hibernate
What is hibernate? Hibernate Components Hibernate Mapping Hibernate Query Language (HQL) Collection Mapping with List (One to One, Many to Many, One to Many, Many to One) Hibernate with Spring
Introduction, Spring vs boot Setup and what is maven? Creating spring boot app Starting a spring boot app Environment specific config Get API In spring boot Add MYSQL dependencies Add Service classes Fetch Data from mysql db How to create a post api Implement get Api Implement put and delete api
Introduction Evolution,DOM Basic Structures and Tags Heading tags,Text Formatting tags Font tag Break tag Hr tag Comments Scrolling text Link Details Tag List Table Form Multimedia Meter tag Layouts-Header, Nav, Section, Article
Introduction Syntax Types-Inline, Internal, External Selectors-Simple, Class, Id, Universal, Grouping Commands Background Properties-Image,Background-Repeat, Background-Position, BackgroundAttachments Text properties-Background color, Text color, Text Alignment, Text Decoration, Text Transition, Text Shadow Font properties-Font-Family, Font - Size Link List style Image as a List Type Border style Properties-Dotted, Dashed, Solid, Double, Groove, Ridge, Inset & Outset, Border-color, Border-Individual Sides, Rounded Borders Table-Table border, Collapsed table borders, Zebra stripes Margin-Top, Bottom, Right, Left Padding- Top, Bottom,Right, Left Position- Static, Relative, Fixed, Absolute, Sticky Display-inline, Block, inline-blockN, one Float-Left, Right, None
Introduction Input and Output Events-Onclick, Onchange, Onsubmit, Onmouseover,Onload Variables String Numbers Boolean Array Object Operators Conditional statements Looping Statements Function String and it’s methods Array and it’s methods Slideshow Admin Authentication
Introduction-Bootstrap, History, Why use Bootstrap Container Grid classes- xs, sm, md, lg Table-Table-bordered, Table-hover, Table- condensed Image Shapes- img-roundedi, mg-circle, Img- thumbnail Button- btn, btn-default, btn-primary, btn- success,btn-info, btn-waring, btn-danger, btnlink Button Sizes-btn-lg, btn-sm, btn-xs Glypicons Dropdown Navbar with dropdown Form, Carousel, Modal
Introduction Syntax Selectors Events
Hide and Show Fade-Fade in, Fade out, Fade toggle, Fade To Slide- Slide up, Slide down, Toggle Animate- Multiple Props, Relative, Predefined Stop() Callback- With call back Without call back Chaning
Get-Text, HTML, Value, Attributes Set- Text, HTML, Value, Attributes, Callback function for(Text,HTML,Value,), function for attributes Add-Append, Prepend, After, Before Image Shapes- img-rounded, img-circle, Img-thumbnail Remove-Remove(), Empty() CSS Classes-Add, Remove, Toggle CSS()-Width, Height, Inner, outer
Introduction, Load Get and Post jQuery noConflict() Query filters
Environment setup and Basic Syntax Variable,Operators,Decision Making Iterators,Function Strings,Arrays,Tuples Union Interfaces,Classes,Objects, Namespaces,Modules
Introduction Version, Installation, create-react-app React Features Props & Cons React Vs Angular js React Vs React Native React Vs Vue React JSX, React Components React State React Props , Props Validation React State Vs Props React Constructor React Component API Component Life Cycle React Form Controlled Vs Uncontrolled React Events Conditional Rendering React List, React Keys React Refs, React Fragments React Router, React CSS, React Animation React Bootstrap, React Map, React Table Higher order component React code splitting, React context React Hooks, React Flux concept, Flux Vs MVC React Redux React Portals, React Error Boundaries
Introduction Expression-Numbers,String Object Array Directives- Data Binding,Repeating HTML Elements,Creating a new Directive Modal -The ng-modal Directive,Two way Binding ,Validate user Input, Application status, CSS Classes Data binding-Data modal,HTML View,ng- modal directive,Two way binding,Angular js controller Controllers- Angular js controller,Angular js methods Scope-How to use ,Understanding scope,Know your scope, Root scope Filter - Adding filters to Expression,Adding filters to Directives,Currency filter,The filter Filter Service - What is service, Uses of service ,The $http service,The $timeout service,The $interval service,Creating your own service,Use a custom service inside a filter
Introduction Modules-Built in modules, include modules, create your own module, Include your own module HTTP Module-Bulit in HTTP Module, Node.js as a webserver, Add an HTTP Header, Read, split the query string File system module-Node.js as a file server, Read, Create, Update, Delete, Rename, Upload URL Module-Built in URL module, Node.js file server Upload files-The formidable module, upload files Events- Events in Node.jsEvent, module, the Event Emitter Object
npm Http Module, URL Module Database connectivity Middleware, Templates Cookies, Sessions

Maped Certification

Exam Title: Oracle Certified Associate Java Programmer (OCAJP) [Java SE 8 Programmer I]
Exam Code: 1Z0-808
Pass Percentage:65%
Duration:150 Min
Exam Title: Oracle Certified Associate Java Programmer (OCAJP) [Java SE 11 Programmer I]
Exam Code: 1Z0-819
Pass Percentage:68%
Duration:90 Min
Exam Title: Oracle Certified Professional Java Programmer (OCPJP) [Java SE 8 Programmer II]
Exam Code: 1Z0-809
Pass Percentage:65%
Duration:150 Min

Exit Profile

Full Stack Developer
Front-end Developer
Back-end Developer