Course Description

MERN stack is a powerful combination of four technologies—MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js—that work together to build modern, full-stack web applications. MongoDB is a NoSQL database that stores data in a flexible, JSON-like format, making it ideal for handling unstructured data and scaling applications efficiently. Express.js, a lightweight web framework for Node.js, simplifies routing and HTTP request handling on the backend. React.js, a JavaScript library developed by Facebook, is used for building dynamic, reusable user interface components, making it perfect for creating responsive and interactive frontends. Node.js enables developers to write both the frontend and backend code in JavaScript, streamlining the development process. Together, these technologies provide a seamless, integrated platform to build scalable, high-performance applications such as e-commerce sites, social media platforms, and real-time services. The MERN stack is widely used for its simplicity, flexibility, and the ability to create robust applications with ease.


  • 16 Lectures
  • 5 Months

Introduction, Evolution,DOM, Basic Structures and Tags, Heading tags,Text, Formatting tags, Font tag, Break tag, Hr tag, Comments, Scrolling text

Link, Details Tag, List, Table, Form, Multimedia, Meter tag, Layouts-Header, Nav, Section, Article

Introduction, SyntaxTypes-Inline, Internal, ExternalSelectors-Simple, Class, Id, Universal, GroupingCommandsBackground Properties-Image, Background-Repeat, Background-Position, Background-Attachments,Text properties-Background color, Text color, Text Alignment, Text Decoration, Text Transition, Text ShadowFont properties-Font-Family, Font - Size

Link , List style, Image as a List Type, Border style Properties-Dotted, Dashed, Solid, Double, Groove, Ridge, Inset & Outset, Border-color, Border-Individual Sides, Rounded Borders, Table-Table border, Collapsed table borders, Zebra stripes, Margin-Top, Bottom, Right, Left, Padding- Top, Bottom, Right, Left, Position- Static, Relative, Fixed, Absolute, Sticky, Display-inline, Block, inline-block, none, Float-Left, Right, None

Introduction, Input and Output, Events-Onclick, Onchange, Onsubmit, Onmouseover,Onload, Variables, String, Numbers, Boolean, Array, Object, Operators

Conditional statements, Looping Statements, Iterables, Sets, Maps, Function, Arrow Function, String and it’s methods, Array and it’s methods, Slideshow, Admin Authentication

Introduction-Bootstrap, History, Why use Bootstrap, Container, Grid classes- xs, sm, md, lg, Typography, Colors, Table-Table-bordered, Table-hover, Table- condensed, Image Shapes- img-rounded, Img-circle, Img- thumbnail, Jumbotron, Alerts, Buttons, Button groups, Button Sizes-btn-lg, btn-sm, btn-xs, Badges, Progress bar

Spinners,Pagination, List groups, Cards, Glypicons, Dropdown, Navbar with dropdown, Collapse Navbar, Tooltip, Popover,Toast, Scrollspy, Offcanvas Sidebar, Utilities, Darkmode, Flex, Form, Carousel, Modal

Introduction, Installation, React JSX, React Components, React State, React Props, Component Life Cycle, React Form, React Events, React List, React Keys, React Refs, React Fragments

React Router, React CSS, React Animation, React Bootstrap, React Map, React Table, Higher order component, React code splitting, React context, React Hooks, React Flux, React Redux, Immutable.js for immutable data structures, React Redux saga (Redux middleware), React Portals , React Error Boundaries

Introduction, Modules, HTTP Module, File system module - Read, Create, Update, Delete, Rename, Upload, URL Module, Upload files-The formidable module, upload files

Events- Events in Node.js,Event, module, the Event Emitter Object, Nodejs MongoDB, Nodejs Sequelize, Nodejs JSON, Nodejs Async await, RESTFul API

Introduction to Express.js, RESTful API, File Uploads, The Formidable module for file uploads, Server Deploying

Create DB, Collection, Insert, Find, Update, Delete, Query Operators, Update Operators

Aggregations, Indexing / Search, Validation, Data API, Drivers, Nodejs Drivers, Charts

Maped Certification

MongoDB University Certification

Exit Profile

MongoDB Specialist

Backend Developer (Express.js & Node.js)

Frontend Developer (React.js)

Full-Stack Developer

Version Control & Deployment Specialist