Advanced Excel skills include the ability to produce graphs and tables, use spreadsheets efficiently, and perform calculations and automation to process large volumes of data. With the rise of big data and data analytics, advanced Excel skills are a real asset both during the job hunt and everyday work tasks.
Relative Referencing Absolute, Mixed Referencing
Conditional Formatting using New Rule Conditional Formatting using Formula
Activating Power pivot Usage of Data model DAX Calculation Relational Data
Number, Date & Time Validation Text and List Validation Custom Validation Dropdown List Validation
Creating Scenarios Working with Data Tables Using Goal Seek Using Solver Using Consolidating Data by Position or Category Consolidating Data Using Formulas Excel
Dashboard Using Table Dashboard Using Pilotable
VBA Enabled Workbook Record a Macro Insert a command button Declaring variables and constants Data types declaration Operators specification Userdefined function
If…Then…Else Select Case Loops: for, while, Do-while
Single Dimensional Array Multi-Dimensional Array Ragged Array
Workbook Worksheet Range Objects
Parameters with Procedures Return types User defined
User Form Controls Forms with Insert, Update and Delete, Excel with VBA
Introduction to Access Ribbon Formatting and Proofing
Table Query Report Labels
Relational Table Relational Query Relational Report Relational Labels
Basic programming with variables and data types’ ➢ VBA's inbuilt functions. How to create variables and assign strings, values or objects. Attaching buttons to forms and writing VBA procedures and functions Code generated by Command Button wizards Use Access objects to write programs to control Forms and Reports Transferring data to and from Excel and other databases Importing text files Placing advanced controls on Forms (sub forms, combo boxes, toggle buttons, list boxes) and creating programs for their events
Understanding Access Objects Using the Object Browser Controlling the Application Object Understanding the Forms Collection and Form Object Understanding the Controls Collection and Control Object Using the With Statement Understanding the Reports Collection and Report Object Understanding the DoCmd Object Using the Screen Object