Data analytics is the process of examining raw data to draw conclusions about the information it contains. It involves applying statistical analysis, machine learning algorithms, and other techniques to identify patterns, trends, correlations, and insights within large datasets. The goal of data analytics is to extract valuable insights that can inform decision-making & drive business improvements. Data analytics is widely used across various industries and domains, including business, finance, healthcare, marketing, and government. It plays a crucial role in improving decision-making, optimizing processes, identifying opportunities, mitigating risks, and gaining a competitive advantage.
Installation and Setting up path
Python variables
Input & Output and Import
Why Learn Python
Who used Python
Using Pycharm & Scripting Keywords & Identifiers Operators, Indentations
Basic Data types: int, float, string, Boolean and Complex Numbers and String Tuple and List Dictionary and Set Arrays
String, String slices Date Math Random and Statistics PDF Data Extraction CVS module
Introduction to Tuples Working with Tuples Tuple Operations Function and Methods
Introduction to Lists Working with lists Lists Operations Function and Methods
Introduction to Sets Working with Sets Sets Operations Function and Methods
If…else Elif For, for else, while Break and Continue, Pass Looping Techniques
Types of Functions Function Arguments Recursion Anonymous Function Global, local and Nonlocal Lambda Functions Modules Packages
Reading & Writing Files Manipulating File Pointer Type of Files File Operations Directories File I/O Attributes, File Methods
Try, Except and Finally Try else Custom Exception Error Vs. Exception
Real-time in OOPS Access Specifiers Class and Objects Methods, Overloading and Overriding Inheritance Abstraction and Data Hiding Properties &Self-keyword
OS module Environment variables, Paths, directories, and filenames. Working with file systems, Dates and times
Starting a New Thread Creating Thread Using Threading Module Synchronizing Threads Multithreaded Priority Queue
My SQL & Mongo Database Connection with Python CRUD Queries in MySQL
Working with XML DOM and SAX introducing Parsing JSON into Python
Pattern matching and searching Real time parsing of networking or system data using regex Validation Concepts
Working with tkinter module Grid Positions Create Button Radio Button & Combo Box Check Box & Menu bar
Data Analyst
Data Scientist
Data Architect
Business Intelligence Developer
Machine Learning Scientist
Back-end Developer
Quality Assurance Engineer